Before you decide to take out a car loan for a new ride, one very important thing you need to do is to calculate how much the monthly car loan payment will be so that you can make sure you have enough in your budget. Low interest rates won’t really be that great if the duration of the car loan is very long. Calculating for a car loan before you buy one will give you a better understanding of the responsibility and obligation you’ll be getting into and, hopefully, will help lessen the chance of defaulting.
Steps to Follow:
1. Figure out the trade-in value of your old car. Add that to the amount to put up for a down payment and subtract that sum from the total price of the new car. The result is what you will ask for in your car loan.
2. When determining the amount of money you’ll need to purchase your new car it is best to assume that you’ll require more than the sticker price of the car because dealers tend to charge additional fees and extras that increase the total price. Sales tax is something you need to compensate for, also.
3. Don’t settle on the first lender that gives you an offer. Look around first for what else is available to make sure you’re getting the best deal. Most of the time you’ll think you’ve already gotten a good deal but, trust me, you can always find something better.
4. Decide on how long you’ll want the car loan to take to repay. A shorter term will have you paying larger monthly payments but you’ll pay less interest in the long run.
5. Make sure to call your insurance company to get an estimate on the amount for coverage on your new car. Safety extras, like dual and side air bags, tend to increase the sticker price of your car but can help you save on your insurance payments.
6. After you’ve done all your calculations, add the estimated monthly payment of your car loan plus your insurance premiums to your monthly budget. If the sum of the monthly payments and the insurance premiums, plus your usually monthly expenses, comes up to more than your income then it would be best to look for a better car loan or even settle for a cheaper vehicle.