Payday installment loans are short-term loans that are unsecured, with only a paycheck and bank account number along with a few other requirements to secure the loan. The payday installment loan lender will require proof of steady income, such as an up-to-date bank statement or your latest paycheck. There are many payday loan lenders in America. These service providers come in handy if you find yourself in a cash shortage in-between paydays. Many payday installment loan lenders offered different interest …
How Your Paycheck Can Meet All Your Cash Needs
It is a fact that many people need money. Whether you have a modest income or a large one, there are those who are trying to make their hard-earned income go further each month. Many financial experts advise people to live frugally. But oftentimes, living frugally doesn’t necessarily mean living “without”. You just need to know how to strategically allocate your money wisely.
In a recent poll released by the American Payroll Association, more than 70% of American employees live …
Achieving Financial Goals By Calculating Personal Net Worth
Do you envision yourself free from debt with lots of savings in the bank?
Everyone has their own financial goals, some are large, some not so large. You may be experiencing a financial downfall, but you will not always be in this situation. Freeing yourself from the cycle of borrowing-paying-borrowing will help. To do this, you must be able to calculate your personal net worth.
Net Worth may sound like a big financial word, but it is a simple process …
Finance Your Health Insurance By Getting A Payday Installment Loan
One of the greatest treasures that everyone has is their health. As the popular saying goes, “health is wealth”. You never know when you or a loved one will need to see a doctor or have to address a serious medical need. Therefore, it is important to have health insurance, unless you are prepared to face expensive medical bills.
The sad part about investing in health insurance is that it can be costly. Though the US government has services for …
No Need To Get A Second Job With Payday Installment Loans
Are you struggling to find ways of how to tide yourself over with your cash needs? Is your credit score not high enough to apply for bank loans and other traditional loans? Are you thinking of getting a second job because you have fallen behind on your bills and have other expenses you need to deal with?
Why get a second job if you can apply for a payday installment loan? Instead of delivering pizzas or stocking shelves in a …
How Payday Installment Loan Consumers Prevent Becoming A Victim Of Identity Theft
According to reports, millions of Americans are victims of identity theft each year. This is why consumers are advised to be diligent and vigilant protecting their identity because thieves are becoming increasingly sophisticated today. Though some identity theft issues can be resolved quickly, many identity theft victims face years of recovery.
In 2009, identity theft affected an estimated 11.1 million Americans and this is increasing 37% every two years. This has resulted in the loss of nearly $54 billion. In …
Consumer Protection Agencies Stop Predatory Lending
One main issue that has been putting the payday lending industry in controversy is related to predatory lending. Borrowers of payday installment loans are now uncertain about these loans because they might be dealing with lenders who are into predatory lending practices.
“Predatory lending” has become the shorthand for describing a variety of lending practices that may be disadvantageous to borrowers. Abusive or predatory lending may involve fraud or deception, manipulating borrowers through aggressive sales tactics or taking unfair advantage …
Principles For Responsible Lending: Payday Installment Loans
It is important to deal with responsible lenders of payday installment loans because there have been suspicions lending practices by some lenders. Predatory lending is a harmful practice that is designed to take advantage of a consumer’s inexperience or lack of sophistication. Most lenders who are into this try to manipulate a borrower into paying more for their payday installment loan than they need to.
Predatory lending practices results in a lot of devastating and costly consequences to many consumers. …
The Right Approach In Dealing With Loan Defaults
In times of urgent financial needs, many people turn to lenders of payday installment loans and other short-term personal loans to get quick cash even with bad credit. However, since most of these loans may have high interest rates many borrowers are unable to pay on time and sometimes end up in default.
What is a loan default? Basically, a loan default means that you have not met your obligations when it comes to your agreement to repay a loan. …
How To Prevent Being A Victim Of Credit Repair Scams
Today, scams and fraud are increasing, especially when you deal online. Even the credit repair industry has been struck by scams and fly by night credit repair clinics. This is sad thing because there are a lot of people desperately seeking help to repair their credit but only get caught in these scams.
Consumers of payday installment loans who genuinely want to improve their debt situation seek help. Due to the presence of credit repair scams, it is hard to …