When you are caught in an emergency cash situation and payday is still a couple weeks away, you may be stressing out to find financial alternatives. Actually there are many ways you can choose to meet an emergency expense. You may use the money in your personal savings account, use a credit card or borrow money from your family and friends. But, what if these options aren’t available?
Fortunately, there are online and local loan companies that are ready to offer your short-term cash for your emergency expenses. Most of these loan companies offer payday installment loans with requirements that are easy to comply with. Once you get approved, these loan companies will deposit the money you need into your bank account by the next business day.
When applying for a payday installment loan, here are the steps you need to remember:
Step 1: Understand how payday installment loans work because they differ from traditional bank loans. Most of these loans have higher interest rates than bank loans and are usually short-term. They must be repaid within two weeks or on your next payday. Also, you must repay on time because you will be charged with additional fees and interest.
Step 2: Make sure that your bank account is active because this is where your loan money will be deposited. Unlike traditional bank loans, these loan companies don’t issue checks since they are online electronic businesses. When your application for a payday installment loan is approved, the payment for the loan will be automatically withdrawn from the funds in your account on a specified due date.
Step 3: Have copies of your driver’s license and paycheck stubs since these will be used as a basis for the approval of the loan. Although application for payday installment loans doesn’t require credit checks or collateral, loan companies may however ask for personal and employer information. In addition, applicants must be a U.S citizen, at least 18 years old and should earn at least $1,000 a month.
Step 4: Maintain steady employment because short-term employment may not be enough to be approved for a payday installment loan. Most loan companies approve only those individuals who have steady employment and reliable incomes. To qualify, you need to maintain the same employer for at least ninety (90) days and report all sources of income, such as unemployment compensation, child support, disability insurance, and other types of income.
Step 5: Research different loan companies to compare rates and deals. Look for cheap payday installment loans. Be aware that the typical loan fee is usually $10 to $20 for every $100 borrowed. Contact and inquire about the rates and terms of various loan companies. Be sure to ask about the features of the loan before closing the deal to avoid future problems.
Step 6: Finally, if you have found a suitable lender that can provide for your emergency expense, fill out their application. Make sure that you have carefully and accurately completed the application. Read and understand all the terms in the loan agreement.
Applying for a payday installment loan must be well-thought out. This is an crucial decision because your financial health will be at stake.